Fire Companies, Volunteer Ambulance Services to Receive State Grants, Says Leadbeter
HARRISBURG – Rep. Robert Leadbeter (R-Columbia) announced today that 17 Columbia County fire, ambulance and rescue squads will receive about $214,000 in state grants through the 2022-23 Fire Company and Emergency Medical Service Grant Program. The grants are the local share of more than $31 million being awarded statewide.

The grants may be used for construction or renovation of a unit’s station, the purchase or repair of equipment, training, debt reduction, education and public outreach, as well as staff recruitment and retention efforts. 

All fire companies, EMS services and volunteer rescue squads are eligible to apply for the annual grant program, which is funded solely with state gaming proceeds. The funding amounts are contingent on the recipients filing their grant agreements with the Office of State Fire Commissioner.

“I’m proud to announce the Columbia County awardees set to receive Fire Company and Emergency Medical Services Grants. These funds will be used to support the brave men and women who serve as our emergency first responders and is a critical component to the foundation of my legislative priorities,” said Leadbeter. “As I advocate to grow our local economy, create more family sustaining jobs, support small businesses, Pennsylvania farmers, and the many families who call our area home; our first responders directly contribute to the prosperity of our district.”

The grant recipients are as follows:
Aristes Fire Co. No.1 $13,089.
Benton Vol. Fire Co. $12,107.
Bloomsburg Fire Dept., Inc. $14,809.
Buckhorn Community Fire Co. No.1 $12,107.
Catawissa Hose Co. No.1 $12,353.
Espy Fire Co. $12,107.
Lightstreet Community Fire Co. $12,107.
Lime Ridge Fire Co. No.1 $11,861.
Main Township Vol. Fire Co. $13,089.
Mifflin Township Forest Rangers & Fire Co. $12,844.
Millville Community Fire Co. $11,861.
North Mountain Vol. Fire Co. $12,598.
Orangeville Vol. Fire Co. $12,598.
Ranger Hose Co. No.2 $12,107.
Reliance Fire Co. No.1 $14,563.
Summerhill Fire Co. No.1 $11,861.
West Berwick Hose Co. No.1 $11,861.

Representative Robert Leadbeter
109th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Donna Pinkham
717.260.6452 /